Easy Popsicle Stick Easel

Decorating can be hard, especially when one is endeavoring to do so on a budget, but if you’ve been here for any length of time, you are well aware that I am the queen of making a whole new wall out of a bit of trash and some glue. As a kid I tried toContinue reading “Easy Popsicle Stick Easel”

Mantles and More

About a month ago, I undertook a weekend to build a mantlepiece with nothing but cardboard, paint, and a bit of tape, and the results were if I do say so myself, quite impressive especially given the literal pile of trash we started with. However, ever since constructing my mantle, I’ve been haunted by itsContinue reading “Mantles and More”

Marvelous Mantlepiece

Several weeks ago the string lights that made my seasonal feature wall in my living room burned out rather spectacularly, blowing out every single bulb at once. I had been waiting to replace them for Christmas lights to come back into physical stores since they’re SO much cheaper that way, but having the space darkContinue reading “Marvelous Mantlepiece”

Hairband Hat Rack

Storing hair bands in a manner which doesn’t cause either them to snap, or my bathroom drawers to randomly become unopenable is something i have struggled with for as long as I can remember, and making a bunch of mouse ears has not helped with this problem. So, after poking around online for a bitContinue reading “Hairband Hat Rack”

Wild Welcome

The end of the holiday season, and the taking down of my wreath has left me with a hole to fill, and an important one as it is literally the first thing you see upon opening the door to my apartment. So I set about digging around in my craft closet, and uncovered a chalkboardContinue reading “Wild Welcome”

Superb Skirts

Online ordering, especially that particularly addictive extremely cheap kind, can sometimes lead to the receipt of clothing that we would never have picked up off the shelf, either because it’s entirely the wrong size, or simply the complete lack of build quality. Unfortunately due to the nature of the order and the low price, theseContinue reading “Superb Skirts”

Orange Slice Garlands

I think it’s a fairly well known fact by now that I am a sucker for any kind of garland, I love to make them and I love to use them, so these are just the next step down my ever deepening rabbit hole. I started seeing these pop up on Pinterest last year, andContinue reading “Orange Slice Garlands”

Lavish Lawn Ornaments

These Hanukkah lawn ornaments are a quick and easy way to add a splash of color and warmth to the outside of your house this holiday season! I was looking for a way to incorporate some more weather resistant outdoor Hanukkah decorations, so when I came across a selection of plasticware at the dollar store,Continue reading “Lavish Lawn Ornaments”

Daring Dragons

When I get distracted, random projects seem to just start flowing out of my craft space, and this time I created a tiny dragon friend. See, I went to the craft store without a list–always a dangerous thing to do, but this time I managed to come away without mangling my wallet to badly, ’causeContinue reading “Daring Dragons”

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